The Thread

ever-changing landscapeLife is a throbbing mystery.
Delicate, with an ever-changing landscape.
Tempered with seasons of grace and despair,
Clarity and chaos,
Ecstasy and disaster.
Exquisite as a supernova,
Mundane as Sunday laundry,
And yet, there is a thread woven through it all,
Stitching together birth, death, and
Everything in between.
The same thread drawn through?
Sadaam Hussein’s heart and Martin Luther King Jr’s,
Through the moon and the rain,
Through time, space, and all form–
This same thread
Can be found within you.
Become intimate with this thread,
And you will come to understand
That you are
That is, a universe lies inside you,
Like an egg waiting to crack
Under the warmth of compassionate curiosity
And stillness of heart.
The more intimate you become with this thread,
The more familiar with the tattered edges
And frayed possibilities of your life,
The more you arrive in the heartbreak of
Divine understanding.
Something washes over you
Like sunlight breaking through clouds after tumultuous thunderstorm;
The realization that?this is it:
Whether reincarnation or tomorrow exist,
You only have this one life, this one day
To live, breath after breath.
It’s precious.
You fall in love:
Total devotion
To the gift of your life,
So much so you marry it
And give over entirely
Everything you have,
And everything you are
To this one life.

Your commitment ignites:
Everything you know to be true
Condensed into a singularity,
A spark of light within.
Marry it,
Merge with it,
And become a
-Dominique Youkhehpaz

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